Submit your Fraud Case Information

To report a fraud case to Forte Redux please use the form below. The details you provide help us to evaluate your claim.

Work with Forte Redux

Your report will be forwarded to a dedicated Case Officer with expertise in the field, who will carefully assess the details you have supplied. In typical situations, your designated Case Officer will initiate contact with you to seek clarification on information, objectives, and associated costs.

Should you decide to proceed with your investigation, formal contracts will be mutually agreed upon to ensure that our actions align precisely with your instructions and are executed with the utmost confidentiality. In intricate cases, we may arrange a personal meeting with you before commencing the investigation. Our extensive resources allow us to accommodate global travel for such consultations.

Contact Details

7747, Middle Bay Way, Fountain, CO 80817
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +1 (877) 200-0907
Fraud Report
Nature of Investigation *
Please provide clear instructions on the nature of your investigation. Include as much detail as possible and provide focus on specific areas you wish to be investigated. This should include details of individuals, corporate entities and their last known locations. Please call us should you have any questions.